PA Casinos Remove Nearly 1,000 Slot Machines Since June 2021

Pennsylvania Casino News


  • Pennsylvania casinos removed 1,000 slots since 2021.
  • Online casinos' growth is a major factor.
  • Skill games and market competition contribute.

In a rapidly evolving landscape of gambling and gaming, Pennsylvania's casino industry has faced significant changes over the last few years. Since 2021, nearly 1,000 slot machines have been removed from the state's retail casinos. In this report, we delve into the reasons behind this shift and explore the implications for the Pennsylvania gambling market.

The Slot Machine Exodus

The sudden removal of almost 1,000 slot machines in Pennsylvania has raised questions about the state's traditional gambling scene. This shift began in 2021 and has continued due to multiple factors.

One prominent influence is the remarkable growth of online casinos, which has significantly impacted the state's land-based establishments. The surge in popularity of online gambling options is changing the dynamics of Pennsylvania's gambling industry.

The Impact of Online Casinos

Online gambling has become a dominant force in Pennsylvania, attracting players with convenience and a diverse array of games. The online vertical of casinos has gained tremendous traction, especially following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Online casinos have added the equivalent of 13,000 slot machines to the Pennsylvania market, providing an extensive range of gaming experiences. This expansion has prompted traditional casinos to adapt to the changing landscape.

Skill Games on the Rise

Another contributing factor is the proliferation of skill games in Pennsylvania. These games have become increasingly popular and accessible, competing with traditional slot machines.

Mark Angelo, Director of Slot Operations at Mohegan Pennsylvania, pointed out the direct correlation between the surge of skill games and the decline in slot machine usage:
"The skill games have proliferated, and if you do a correlation between that and our volumes going down, there's a direct correlation."

The growth of skill games has led to a decline in the number of slot machines as operators aim to cater to evolving player preferences.

Competitive Pressures and Market Saturation

Pennsylvania's gambling market is highly competitive. With 17 casinos across the state, including prominent ones in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh metropolitan areas, competition is intense.

The state's major casinos face competition not only from out-of-state rivals but also from local establishments. Within the Philadelphia metro area alone, there are five major casinos, each vying for a share of the gambling market.

Similar competition exists in the Pittsburgh region, with three casinos serving the metropolitan area. This market saturation has undoubtedly contributed to the removal of slot machines.

Stability Amid Change

Despite these significant changes in the Pennsylvania gambling landscape, one aspect remains constant: stability. Pennsylvania's retail casinos have managed to adapt and coexist with the growing online gambling industry and skill games.

In the last fiscal year, the state's casinos achieved some of the best revenue figures in a decade, totaling a record $5.51 billion. Retail slots accounted for a substantial portion of this revenue, contributing $2.45 billion, equivalent to 44.4% of the state's entire gambling revenue.

The state's casinos have invested $250 million since the pandemic to transform themselves into more than gambling facilities. Today, these establishments offer a diverse range of entertainment, including restaurants, bars, hotels, comedy shows, concerts, and more. 
This evolution highlights the casinos' resilience and adaptability in the face of evolving player preferences.

In conclusion, the removal of nearly 1,000 slot machines from Pennsylvania's casinos reflects the changing dynamics of the gambling industry in the state. The rise of online casinos, the increasing popularity of skill games, and fierce competition within the state have all contributed to this shift.

Despite these changes, Pennsylvania's casinos remain stable and continue to play a vital role in the state's overall gambling revenue. As the industry continues to evolve, casinos are likely to explore new strategies to ensure their relevance and profitability in an ever-changing market.

A huge sports fan; locally, many know me as the guy who does the PA for our high school football team on Friday nights. Having grown up in Michigan, I am a sports fan of all the Detroit teams, and at the college level, I love Michigan State sports. I have covered sports betting, iGaming and casino industry news for many well known websites.